Training ice rinks

  • Address: Rautpohjankatu 6
  • Opening Hours: Training ice rinks. 
    Services: Ball game sessions (ice hockey) 
  • Facilities: Training ice rinks 1 & 2 
  • Dressing rooms and showers: Shared changing and shower facilities 
  • Lockers: No lockers. 
  • Entrance: Entrance through Door A6 of the Hipposhalli. 
  • Information: p. 050 502 0914, liikunta.harjoitusjaahalli[a]
  • Description of the facility: In the training ice hall of the Hipposhalli, there are two separate rinks. The training ice hall is a freon-free area, as the cooling system is based on the use of a salt solution, and the ice resurfacing machine operates on electricity. The size of each rink is 60 m x 28 m.  
  • Equipment: Own equipment needed.