uMove's story

uMove is a sports service for the university community 

uMove offers sports and well-being for students and staff of Jyväskylä's universities. Known as University Sport, the sports service has been providing activities and experiences for decades. 

The uMove logo was born in 2018, when we were looking for a term, word or phrase that would describe in a natural and inspiring way the sports and well-being services offered to higher education institutions. 

uMove, where u stands for both you and the university, and move for all the different types of exercise and movement you can try out in our services. uMove opens up perfectly for international students and staff, but also fits well into the Finnish language. 

We want to inspire and encourage people to move in their own way. Our services are based on the idea of a community that is cheerful, brave, open and supportive. In an accepting atmosphere, it is a pleasure to try new sports and learn new skills. 

You can come to us to recover, sweat, jam, play ball games, have fun and laugh. Exercise can be playful and fun! 

Versatility is our thing: we're not just a community of a few sports, but a service where you can try out new ways of moving indoors and outdoors alongside your favourite sports. We warmly welcome you to our community! 

Discover the future direction of uMove: