
  • Address: Kuntoportti 3
  • Opening Hours: Monitoimitalo 
  • Services: Ball game (squash), gym and courses 
  • Facilities: Gym, squash, ball game, judo, gymnastics 
  • Dressing rooms and showers: Gender-segregated shower-equipped changing rooms with showers. 
  • Lockers: No lockers.
  • Entrance: Access to the sports facilities of the Monitoimitalo is through the B1 entrance 
  • Information: Monitoimitalo cashier / information. p. 050 357 1882, liikunta.monitoimitalo[a] 
  • Description of the facility: The Monitoimitalo, also known as Monnari, located at Hippos area, and it is an indoor sports center which offers facilities all over the year. Among uMove services at Monnari, you can find squash sessions, as well as a gym. The gym is of high quality and one of the most spacious in the city. 
  • Equipment: Ball game: Rackets and balls are available for squash sessions. See detailed information in the booking calendar.