
  • Address: Kuntoportti 3
  • Opening Hours: Hipposhalli 
  • Services: Ball game (badminton) 
  • Facilities: Ball game court, indoor track 
  • Dressing rooms and showers: Gender-segregated shower-equipped changing rooms with showers. 
  • Lockers: No lockers. 
  • Entrance: Access to the sports facilities of the Monitoimitalo is through the B1 entrance.
  • Information: Monitoimitalo cashier / information. p. 050 357 1882, liikunta.monitoimitalo[a]jyvaskyla.fi 
  • Description of the facility: The Hipposhalli is a year-round sports hall in continuous use. Among uMove services at Hipposhalli, you can find badminton sessions. 
  • Equipment: Own equipment needed. Nets for badminton can be found inside the hall.