Campus sports field

  • Address: Keskussairaalantie 4
  • Opening Hours: Open during scheduled classes and sessions. 
  • Services: Outdoor classes and courses. 
  • Facilities: Sports field and 300 m running track. 
  • Dressing rooms and showers: Changing rooms and shower facilities in the L-building during opening hours.
  • Lockers: Lockers in the L-building during opening hours.
  • Entrance: Field usage and access according to reservations. 
  • Information: In the main lobby of the sports building. Attendants: +358294419062 
  • Description of the facility: The University's Seminaarinmäki Campus field is used for daytime teaching and in the evenings for activities such as uMoven outdoor classes, as well as courses. The field features natural grass and is surrounded by a 300 m running track. 
  • Equipment: Ball game: Balls available for loan from a cabinet in the main lobby of L-building for reserved sessions.